Business Technology in the Quantum Field

How to channell for your business

The linear approach to business, marketing and branding is finding itself in an evolutionary phase as we say goodbye to the cookie-cutter template methods and welcome inspiration from a higher source.

You may have come across channelling or channellers, those that receive messages and guidance from the spiritual realm. Once relegated to practising out of the corner of the local incense shop, at the local market, or online for $1 per minute readings. But things have changed and now channellers dominate popular culture with huge Youtube followings as they become the threshold through which New Earth crosses.

Now everyone has the ability to tune in and receive the messages required for their own journey, and when it comes to your business branding you are the clearest conduit. The images, colours, look and feel of how your unique business will present in the world are as individual as you are. You have exactly the right antennae to be able to draw down the exact creative content that resonates with your specific audience. Branding and website-building websites with inspired spiritual guidance is a unique and powerful way to cut through the online noise and make direct contact with your own Soul-aligned audience.

Here are a few pointers to help you get in the flow when seeking higher guidance for your business;

  • Setting up
    Channelled flow is more often than not initiated in meditation, although the messages may not come through until your dream state or through signs and signals over the following days. To begin with, have a pen and paper next to you as you settle in for a 15 - 20 minute meditation session ( You’ll need this long for the outside noise to quiet and Spirit to come through the cracks). Write the question you would like confirmed or answered on your paper then take a moment to call in the Spirit of your business, your Higher Self and your Guides. Some people also like to call in an ancestor, angelic being or nature Spirit to assist - now is the time to do this.

  • Your question
    You might like information or confirmation on who most needs your goods and services, you might like inspiration for your logo, guidance on your marketing or the next best steps for your business. Ask an open-ended question, then be open-ended as you allow for the response to flow to you. Using this method you can tune to the inspirations needed to foster deeper connections with your aligned clients.

  • Receiving the answers
    As soon as you come out of your meditation scratch down whatever is in your head. You may have a starting revelation or you may be better to put it to the side and let it unfold in the days to come. Your work now is to be open to the signs from Spirit that will come through - and you will more than likely be both surprised and delighted at the answers.

One of the benefits of working with divinely inspired content when building a website is creativity, energy and perspective that flows. By tapping into spiritual guidance, you craft content that goes directly to the ears and hearts of those we ‘get you’, those that are willing to listen in and get the benefit of what you offer straight away. This makes your website, your website copy or your social media content stand well apart from anyone else in your field.

Set aside time for meditation, prayer, or other spiritual practices that help you to tune in to your intuition and receive its guidance. It also helps to clarify the messages when you ground and maintain your focus. Your work here is to effectively translate the messages you receive into their tangible content form.

Beginning the quantum journey with your business is really just you keeping up with the latest technology available. Not only is it a deeply fulfilling and transformative process, but you can intuit content that is truly authentic and totally aligned with you and your audience.

* All the work I do comes through this lens. This includes the websites I build, the digital content I create and the copy I write. I love to collaborate with like-minded others keen to push the limits of just how impactful we can be in the world. Lets chat …


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