Can Astrology help me build a better website?

Your bet it can.

The are so many quantum tools available to us, and more coming online all the time in this accelerated phase of human development. As a website designer in the new age of technology, not only am I getting more and more fluid in using less linear methods to dream, design and create, but I'm also a pioneer, expanding what's possible with every website I build, and feeling pretty excited about the future.

In this short blog, I wanted to lean onto one of the oldest quantum tools at our disposal - Astrology. For millennia King, Queens and Emporeres have used astrology to vie for a deeper understanding of the flow of events of the cosmos, to make more informed decisions, to time things correctly, to align with something greater such that the wind was at their backs, and the Gods smiled upon their endeavours.

In an online world of competition where niching down and finding your unique edge is the new strategy, your unique astrological blueprint and that of your business make for a wise investment in your time and attention. 

  • Astrology helps you understand your target audience

One of the basic principles of astrology is its division into the primary elements: Earth, Air, Fire and water. Whatever your business, in a broad sense, it's going to fit into one of those categories. If we take this approach we can then better understand what components of the website design will appeal to our Soul-aligned clients, and so design a website that resonates with them on a deeper and more subconscious level.

For example, if you are a gardener or landscaper your clients are looking for the Earth element, you may want to use earthy tones, nature-inspired graphics and seasonal text. If on the other hand, you are a personal trainer working with athletes your clients are looking for the Fire element, and bold, attention-grabbing colours and graphics will capture their imagination. Equally, if you are a counsellor or energy healer you work in the Water element and your audience wants to feel your support and your wisdom, you will want to create a site with soft blues and greens, flowing shapes that calm and soothe and a design that appeals to the sensitive and intuitive nature in all of us.

  • Astrology is a powerful tool for timing your website launch.

Astrology is really just cosmic mathematics and we can use it to pinpoint the most auspicious time to launch your site, an event or some special content. By taking into account the current and predicted planetary transits we can choose a date and time to launch your website to powerfully increase your chances of success.

For example, the waxing moon is a time of growth and expansion and a good time to consider launching. Eclipses are chaotic and changeable and are less favourable. We all know that things can go awry in a Mercury Retrograde, especially technology, and that extra attention needs to be applied to the details of things if we don't want to be nursing a disaster. 

  • Incorporating Astrological Symbols and Imagery

Astrology is full of symbols and imagery that can be used to add a powerful energetic layer to your work. By incorporating astrological symbols such as planets, asteroids and constellations into your website design, you can create a cohesive and meaningful visual identity, as well as a subtle alignment with the cosmos. More exciting still is the deeper astrology of the asteroid and Kuiper Belt layer that can be potently added through symbols and graphics to communicate with your clients beyond our known language. 

For example, if you are a birth worker use the symbol for the asteroid Haumea,  the goddess of childbirth and fertility in Hawaiian mythology. For a Light Worker or Star Seed the symbol of Salascia, mermaid queen and goddess of the light field is a strong metaphor. Or for a tutor or teacher perhaps working with Sagittarian symbols of higher learning, or the planet Jupiter for expansion and luck in your graphics and design.

  • Using Astrological Insights to Inform Your Content Strategy

Astrology transits and cosmic alignments affect us all, you can use the blog pages of your website to offer insights on the topics and themes that are most likely to resonate with your target audience or create content to support the challenges or gifts of the time. 

For example, if you are a creative and there is a major planetary alignment that is associated with self-expression, you may want to develop content that encourages your audience to explore their creative side. If you are a breath worker or spiritual counsellor you may want to create events or downloadable meditations for clearing or receiving accordingly.

Astrology is far from a traditional bedfellow when it comes to website design however, it has been a tool employed for its valuable insights since antiquity. It is an effective way to communicate your business without words, connecting to your target audience, timing your launch or event cycles, reinforcing your visual identity, and informing your content strategy. Working  Astrology into your website design gives you another layer of design and creativity to work with that helps your Soul-aligned clients find you and know you above the noise of the ordinary.


Business Technology in the Quantum Field